I retired from business and technology about 9 years ago. I won’t call it a full retirement because I have a now thirteen-year-old, two dogs, a multi-dimensional guardian that masquerades as a cat, and the occasional stray critter or kid to worry about and care for and do my best to emotionally support my very hard-working wife. Oh, and between all that, I write books. But hell, let’s face it, I’m a very lucky guy.

My withdrawal from the pain and suffering of corporate America was what I call an accidental retirement. I left to help take care of my mother who moved in with us, and when she ‘moved to Florida’ a couple of years later, my wife and I had a long talk about me returning to wearing actual pants every day (instead of pajama pants or sweats) and rejoining the walking dead…I mean workforce.
I’ll paraphrase my wife Amie’s ultimate statement: “Are you out of your freaking mind? I like my job and want to keep doing it. We have enough. Get writing.”
Here’s the thing. I said I’m a lucky guy and I am. Just as important, though, is that I know it. My family has a stable life in a nice town with enough to eat, enough wherewithal to take vacations, and if our washer or stove breaks, we don’t have to panic and try to figure out how to pay for it.
Unlike so, so many others.

Now, our ‘enough’ isn’t the same as anyone else’s, necessarily. It’s below what others might be comfortable with but, frankly, it’s also far above what many hope for and work toward. An old friend of Amie’s once told her that she is rich because she can go to the grocery store and be able to buy everything on her list without worrying that she will have to shortchange or cut-back on something else. That comment has stayed with me for a long time. And has helped me, and us, keep things in perspective for our family.
We have enough. For us. For our family. Took us a while to figure that out, but we made it.
So, as we in the U.S. approach what my mother always called Bird Day (Thanksgiving), I’m thinking about how fortunate I am. I can’t deny there are days when I want to scream into the void when things go sideways, but I work very hard to remind myself that where I’m at is a truly good place. Loving family, critters to cuddle, a full belly, a few bucks under the mattress.
Yeah…it’s enough.
Happy holiday season - sending good thoughts for happiness and safety, and wishing you ‘enough’ on your end.
Thanks for reading.

P.S. – If you celebrate Thanksgiving and are in need of being fed far too much food and can put up with terrible puns, grazing starts at our house about 11am Eastern time. Drop a line to let me know and we will put out another chair.
While I have you here, if you do celebrate this holiday season…hell, even if you don’t…remember for those in your life that enjoy feel-good stories that have quirky characters and a dash of humor, Lost and Found at Sun Market is now out and widely available. If you or your framily like reading dark horror late at night with the lights on (trust me, you'll want them on), Rathcrog is also available. Check the main page for info on where to buy it or simply hit this link to go to the website bookshop to order signed paperbacks or e-books directly.
Very wise, Mike.